Wednesday, March 24, 2010

stupid wasps....and stove!

so after school i came home and made a fried bologna sandwich (something i haven't done in awhile). it's chillin' there cookin..doin' its own think when i see some smoke. i kinda shrugged it off but then the smoke got worse and worse and i finally picked the pan off the burner and see multiple flames!! i threw the pan in the sink then stood there, looking at the stove, wondering what the heck i should do. i turned off the burner and poured some water on it and the flames immediately went out, thank goodness. pouring water on the burner probably wasn't the best idea but i panicked and couldn't think of a better option. i'd rather mess up the burner then have the house burn down...

after that episode i thought, ok, i need to go enjoy some fresh air so i went outside and laid by the pool. i had been out there two minutes when i hear "bzzzzzz" and open my eyes to see two wasps hovering over me. i jumped up and they flew away but as soon as i laid back down they returned. to protect my life, i had to go inside. as i walked onto the porch and closed the door i heard more buzzing and saw that i had trapped one of the wasps inside the screened porch with me. so now i can't go by the pool or go on my back porch.

all of this happened before 3 pm, mind you...

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