yesterday me and michelle went over to the morrill's to paint the baby's room and it was sooo much fun! we painted and played with the boys and creeped with sister morrill on faceook and looked at her old pictures and played mario kart and ate pizza and it was just such a nice couple of hours!!! the burton's kids were over there the first hour or so so we had a nice little photoshoot with seth...

after the concert we headed to the airport to see andrew and matthew (twin brothers who have been serving missions in Japan) and it was such a nice homecoming!!! the majority of their family was there along with people in the ward and i think now they look more alike than they did before! i can't wait to hear them speak in sacrament meeting in a few weeks! hopefully they'll speak a little japanese because i think that would be cool.
today i have an on-call shift from 12-4 and i hope i don't have to go. it's tax free weekend so i'd rather shop than work. duh. also at some point today i'm going to buy my laptop which looks like this:
today should be a good day and i'm excited to get a laptop!!!!!!
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