Friday, October 30, 2009

always something there to remind me

the ashely soccer team is pretty beast..and i'm not just saying that because josh is on're good. and last night was the game against hoggard that determined who was conference champs.
we lost.
i've never hated hoggard more.

Monday, October 26, 2009

i play authority song

senior project speech tomorrow...just kill me now

Saturday, October 17, 2009

in a car underwater with time to kill

i had the scariest experience of my life last night... yes, i went to the haunted battleship tour and that was scary but the events afterwards were much more terrifying.

me and josh went to the bellamy elementary playground so i could be nostalgic and play on the playground. harmless, right? well, we were standing at the top of a slide when i saw a beam of light. josh didn't believe me and turned around only to find the light was gone. i saw it again but when josh turned around it was gone. i saw it a third time and finally josh saw it too. we decided to leave the playground and walked towards the source of the light. we turned the corner and there was a sheriff with a flashlight. my heart fell to my butt. he asked us what we were up to, how old we were and if we had id. josh had his in his pocket but mine was in the car. i swear, that cop could probably hear my heart beat as we walked back to the car so i could get my license. when i opened the car door, i didn't see my wallet in its normal place. again, my heart sank. i dug around the car and thankfully found my wallet. he took my license and read my license number to someone on the other end of his walkie talkie. after finding out my record was clean and my car wasn't stolen, he gave me back my license and told us it was private property and we were trespassing. he told us to find someplace else to hangout or go home. as soon as i got in the car i started to cry. josh assured me it was fine but still...i was beyond freaked out! i called my mom to tell her about it..AND SHE LAUGHED AT ME!! i didn't think it was very funny..we ended up just going home and watching the incredibles...a seemingly dull ending to a very...err..excting night.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

i'm tired and have a massive headache but am excited for the weekend.
i've also found a new love

Monday, October 12, 2009

i'm weird 'cause i hate goodbyes

i think i just had the best weekend ever...

friday night we went to the corn maze. we brought josh and gabby along and thank one in my family really knew what they were doing or how to navigate through the corn but josh and gabby guided us to every checkpoint perfectly. me and josh went by ourselves on the second maze and somehow found checkpoint #9 after turning off our flashlights and just going on instinct...i was very impressed by our natural ability to go in the right direction. after the normal mazes, we went through the haunted maze where various hideously dressed ghosts and ghouls would pop out of the corn. i screamed, jumped and practically ripped josh's arm off-it was a really fun night :)

saturday morning i worked, went to a soccer game and then later that night, went to fort fisher. it had just rained so it was freakishly humid, but all was well. it was nice to see the stars and hear the waves. on the way home, i saw three live deer on the side of the road and for some reason it really scared me..all i could think about was josh running into the deer, the deer shattering the windshield and then poking me in the eyes with its antlers. oh, happy thoughts...after fort fisher we watched "my date with the president's daughter" and i showed off my farm on farmville. another really fun night.

sometimes i don't ever want go grow up...i want to be seventeen forever

Thursday, October 8, 2009

all you need is love

i'm excited for this weekend.

corn maze tomorrow night...

...and then fort fisher saturday night

or vice versa, depending on the weather.

it will be a good weekend (:

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

planet earth turns slowly

it's not always good to be in situations that make people worry, but it is good to have someone who worries about you when such situations arise.
it's also good to have someone who will talk to you until 12:15 am about really random things and thinks you're funny, even when you know
you are just a big dork.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

" know...the southern wizard way of saying it"

i just recently decided to read the harry potter series and today i saw the first hour of the fourth movie...and i gotta say, i was beyond disappointed. the movie skipped so many key scenes and different scenes of background info that, if you hadn't read the books, you wouldn't know what the heck was going on. i know you're supposed to see a movie based on a book after you've read the book, but isn't the whole point of making a movie creating something for people to enjoy no matter if they've done their background reading?

one good thing i will say though is that rupert grint looks mighty foxy in that movie heads are my favorite

Thursday, October 1, 2009

symphony of sound

here are some random things i am thinking about right now...


2. milk is the most delicious beverage on the planet.

3. friday night was ridiculously fun

4. i really like texting you before bed

5. bagels are only good when smothered in cream cheese

6. if you don't have anything nice to say, then just shut the heck up

7. babies are really cute


9. beatles rockband is amazing

10. afternoon naps make me feel really good.

11. i get along nicely with my siblings and it's actually fun to hang out with them

12. rob thomas is amazing live

13. i have things planned every weekend in october...i like having a social life

14. i have no idea what to be for halloween

and lastly..

15. <3