Thursday, September 30, 2010

rain, rain, go away

it has been raining for four days straight...i didn't know the sky was capable of holding/producing so much precipitation!!

...8 days (:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

cherry pie

right now i'm putting as much time and energy into my classes as i can. i plotted out my class schedule on a calendar the other day and figured out i can potentially finish classes before thanskgiving, which would be SUPER awesome. that's perhaps the nicest thing about these classes; i can do them at my own pace on my own time. however, math is awkward without a teacher standing there, teaching you, but i guess i'll just have to figure out how to learn from the book.

last night was the general relief society broadcast and i really enjoyed it. beforehand, we had a little dinner and i got to sit and talk to some really cool ladies. it's nice to know that i have friends, even if they are a few years older than i am. i loved hearing from thomas s monson and can't wait to hear more from him next weekend at general conference.

while being far away from josh sucks, i kinda feel like it's getting easier everyday. maybe that's just cause i get to see him in 12 days...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

today was a good day. I'm starting to really like American Heritage. I find the history so interesting and am surprised that it's not the death of me(knock on wood)...i think i'm gonna start volunteering at anderson elementary a few days a week...they need people to help kids read, do math, and do things in the library. Since i'm thinking of changing my major to elementary education, this will really give me a little trial run to see if I like it as much as I think I will! Oh yeah...16 days (:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

if i don't go crazy tonight

i called the admissions office at uncw and one of the counselors rudely informed me that the only way i could go to uncw for spring of 2011 was if i was a transfer student with 24 credits. obviously that's not going to happen so my choices are back down to nc state and unc charlotte.

i think i need to stop worrying about the future. it scares me that i don't know where i'll be next semester or what i'll be doing but i need to learn not to dwell on those kinds of things because all i do is freak myself out. i know everything will work out some how, some way and i just need to go along for the ride.

17 days!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

pawn stars

i forgot how not fun it is to fill out college applications. but hey, it's just something i gotta do!!

18 days!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

i've got the magic in me

i am having a bad day.

20 days

Friday, September 17, 2010

Lately i've been going back and forth about what I want to major in and where I want to go for school. After much deliberation I have decided that I want to be one of the suitcase model girls on deal or no deal. 3 weeks!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tonight someone emailed me about buying my apartment contract back in utah! if they buy it that'll be a good $1600 we won't have to waste. I'm PRAYING she'll buy it...that'll give me one less thing to worry about...22 days!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I went to the movies with my friend tanner tonight. He's leaving for a mission to argentina in a couple weeks so it was good to hang out with him before he left for two years! While it was lots of fun, it was weird sitting beside someone other than josh. Speaking of josh, 23 days! (:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

but it's you i can't deny

so right now things are good. i'm doing my online classes, working again and sykpe-ing with josh every day. i am happier than i've been in awhile, which is always a good thing. i'm getting back into the swing of things and i can't wait for what the future holds!!

i get to see josh soon so ere goes the countdown!! 24 days

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I will never again take my home for granted. Never again.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

the indecision comes to an end

after much deliberation, thought, and prayer, i have come to the decision that BYU is not the place for me at this moment in my life. upon trying to figure out what the heck i was gonna do next, i stumbled upon the BYU independent study website and felt comfort; the kind of comfort i've been so desperately seeking and praying for since i've been here. I plan on working lots and doing online class this semester, earning 10 credits and going to NC State in the spring, then taking two more online classes during the summer so i'll have enough credits to be considered a sophomore next fall. I haven't failed and I'm not quitting, i made a choice and now i'm realizing the errors of my choice and have to deal with the consequences. my parents and everyone have been very supportive and i'm very appreciative. The most important thing right now is my happiness. Life's too short to be spent unhappy so I'm taking the proper actions to make myself happy. i don't regret this choice and look forward to what this new future has in store. i know it won't be easy but i'll have the love and support of those around me and know i'll be able to do this. education is important but so is being happy so thus begins my quest for obtaining happiness while receiving an education...wish me luck.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


so i just got a job at the library, i ate pringles in my bed and now i'm drinking juice straight outta the bottle...hmm...maybe i will survive college?

we have a bat living outside our apartment. I think he's kinda cute but also kinda gross. at least he'll keep the bugs at bay!!