Saturday, November 20, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
from your toes to your face
im going to see harry potter tonight with the kieb's and i am very excited!! ok so i haven't read the book yet but it doesn't matter!! i know it'll be good although i might have to ask a few questions to make sure im still following everything that's happening.
i took jillian to school this morning and turned on the radio; 102.7 is already playing christmas music!!! i like it now but i'm sure it'll get old fast. but like i said, i like it for now C:
3 daysssssss!!!
i took jillian to school this morning and turned on the radio; 102.7 is already playing christmas music!!! i like it now but i'm sure it'll get old fast. but like i said, i like it for now C:
3 daysssssss!!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
still rock n roll to me
so i'm sitting here at the orthodontist waiting for jacob to get his braces off! he's very excited. i think i might take him to lunch before having to go back to school and show off his metal free mouth. i'm working on my last week of american heritage right now too, WHICH IS AWESOME. that just leaves my child development and math *shudder*. i'm not too worried about math at this moment in time though, which my mom is not very happy about. it's just too difficult to do on my own so i'm holding out for next semester when i will be around people who can help me out. plus i have a year to do it so it's not #1 on my priority list right now.
i still can't believe it's almost thanksgiving/christmas!
one week :D
i still can't believe it's almost thanksgiving/christmas!
one week :D
Sunday, November 14, 2010
whew! haven't posted in a little over a month! how boring am i?? let's see...some updates...i finished the book work for my nutrition class last week! very work everything has turned christmas-y and it's really exciting! i can't believe it's already christmas time and that the holidays are right around the corner! perhaps the most excitig thing, i got accepted and am going to unc charlotte next semester! i went up there halloween weekend and took a tour of the campus. it's pretty nice and i'm pretty pumped! i've turned in my housing application, looked up the classes i need to take and have even bought a mini fridge for my dorm room! i know college #2 experience will be 1,000 x better than BYU and i can't wait!!!!
sorry i haven't updated in forever.
also, 8 days till josh comes home for thanksgiving (:
sorry i haven't updated in forever.
also, 8 days till josh comes home for thanksgiving (:
Thursday, October 7, 2010
i love ya tomorrow
after weeks of waiting it's finally almost time for josh to come home!! when we said goodbye almost 2 months ago, i never realized how hard it was going to be. while we talk every night on skype, it's just not the same as seeing him in person. if anything, this whole being away from each other experience has really taught me to enjoy the time we do get to spend together and how i shouldn't take any moment for granted. i've had a really hard past couple months and josh has been there for me through everything, supporting me in all my choices, talking some sense in to me when i start talking crazy and making me feel better when i get upset. while it's been hard, i feel like this time being away from each other has just made us closer. they say absence makes the heart grow fonder and now i can really attest to that. we have a super fun weekend planned and i'm BEYOND excited to be spending time with him. While this has been a major change in both of our lives, we seem to be doing okay.
he really is my best friend and i love him so much. can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!!
he really is my best friend and i love him so much. can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
rain, rain, go away
it has been raining for four days straight...i didn't know the sky was capable of holding/producing so much precipitation!!
...8 days (:
...8 days (:
Sunday, September 26, 2010
cherry pie
right now i'm putting as much time and energy into my classes as i can. i plotted out my class schedule on a calendar the other day and figured out i can potentially finish classes before thanskgiving, which would be SUPER awesome. that's perhaps the nicest thing about these classes; i can do them at my own pace on my own time. however, math is awkward without a teacher standing there, teaching you, but i guess i'll just have to figure out how to learn from the book.
last night was the general relief society broadcast and i really enjoyed it. beforehand, we had a little dinner and i got to sit and talk to some really cool ladies. it's nice to know that i have friends, even if they are a few years older than i am. i loved hearing from thomas s monson and can't wait to hear more from him next weekend at general conference.
while being far away from josh sucks, i kinda feel like it's getting easier everyday. maybe that's just cause i get to see him in 12 days...
last night was the general relief society broadcast and i really enjoyed it. beforehand, we had a little dinner and i got to sit and talk to some really cool ladies. it's nice to know that i have friends, even if they are a few years older than i am. i loved hearing from thomas s monson and can't wait to hear more from him next weekend at general conference.
while being far away from josh sucks, i kinda feel like it's getting easier everyday. maybe that's just cause i get to see him in 12 days...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
today was a good day. I'm starting to really like American Heritage. I find the history so interesting and am surprised that it's not the death of me(knock on wood)...i think i'm gonna start volunteering at anderson elementary a few days a week...they need people to help kids read, do math, and do things in the library. Since i'm thinking of changing my major to elementary education, this will really give me a little trial run to see if I like it as much as I think I will! Oh yeah...16 days (:
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
if i don't go crazy tonight
i called the admissions office at uncw and one of the counselors rudely informed me that the only way i could go to uncw for spring of 2011 was if i was a transfer student with 24 credits. obviously that's not going to happen so my choices are back down to nc state and unc charlotte.
i think i need to stop worrying about the future. it scares me that i don't know where i'll be next semester or what i'll be doing but i need to learn not to dwell on those kinds of things because all i do is freak myself out. i know everything will work out some how, some way and i just need to go along for the ride.
17 days!!
i think i need to stop worrying about the future. it scares me that i don't know where i'll be next semester or what i'll be doing but i need to learn not to dwell on those kinds of things because all i do is freak myself out. i know everything will work out some how, some way and i just need to go along for the ride.
17 days!!
Monday, September 20, 2010
pawn stars
i forgot how not fun it is to fill out college applications. but hey, it's just something i gotta do!!
18 days!
18 days!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
but it's you i can't deny
so right now things are good. i'm doing my online classes, working again and sykpe-ing with josh every day. i am happier than i've been in awhile, which is always a good thing. i'm getting back into the swing of things and i can't wait for what the future holds!!
i get to see josh soon so ere goes the countdown!! 24 days
i get to see josh soon so ere goes the countdown!! 24 days
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
the indecision comes to an end
after much deliberation, thought, and prayer, i have come to the decision that BYU is not the place for me at this moment in my life. upon trying to figure out what the heck i was gonna do next, i stumbled upon the BYU independent study website and felt comfort; the kind of comfort i've been so desperately seeking and praying for since i've been here. I plan on working lots and doing online class this semester, earning 10 credits and going to NC State in the spring, then taking two more online classes during the summer so i'll have enough credits to be considered a sophomore next fall. I haven't failed and I'm not quitting, i made a choice and now i'm realizing the errors of my choice and have to deal with the consequences. my parents and everyone have been very supportive and i'm very appreciative. The most important thing right now is my happiness. Life's too short to be spent unhappy so I'm taking the proper actions to make myself happy. i don't regret this choice and look forward to what this new future has in store. i know it won't be easy but i'll have the love and support of those around me and know i'll be able to do this. education is important but so is being happy so thus begins my quest for obtaining happiness while receiving an education...wish me luck.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
so i just got a job at the library, i ate pringles in my bed and now i'm drinking juice straight outta the bottle...hmm...maybe i will survive college?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
i find i am fine when i'm busy doing things. when i'm in the apartment alone with nothing to do, that's when i get homesick. i skyped with my mom a few minutes ago and i couldn't help but cry. i get in these moods where i'm terribly sad and long for the summer. i liked the summer. i worked a lot, got to spend loads of time with josh and grew even closer to my mom.
i want it to be christmas break already and it's only the first day of class.
i want to have a good attitude about college but it's just so hard.
daniel gave me a blessing last night and while deep down in my heart i know this is the place i'm supposed to be, i just wish it could be closer to my home. i envy the people i meet who are from orem, provo, salt lake and all the other close places.
i need a hug. from my mom. or josh. it really stinks that i won't get either of those hugs for 3 1/2 months.
i want it to be christmas break already and it's only the first day of class.
i want to have a good attitude about college but it's just so hard.
daniel gave me a blessing last night and while deep down in my heart i know this is the place i'm supposed to be, i just wish it could be closer to my home. i envy the people i meet who are from orem, provo, salt lake and all the other close places.
i need a hug. from my mom. or josh. it really stinks that i won't get either of those hugs for 3 1/2 months.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
i changed my mind,
i want to go home. i keep flip flopping between happy and sad and right now i'm feeling pretty miserable. i've cried for the past three hours. i want to close my eyes and wake up in my own bed. my mom left yesterday and it's killing me. everyone told me about how fun college was. no one told me about the part where i would cry myself to sleep because of the homesickness. i know i've only been out here a couple days and classes haven't even started yet which is probably why i'm feeling this way. i have nothing to distract me from my sadness. just time and empty space which i fill with thoughts of home. i feel alone. the people i love are thousands of miles away. my family is moving on without me. i'm scared. the unfamiliarity discomforts me and i feel like i can't do this. i can't do this. i miss everything about home. i miss hugging my mom and josh. i can't do this. i know i should give myself a little more credit. i know how to do laundry and how to cook. i'm getting myself all worked up.
i am sad.
i want it to get better.
i want my mommy.
i want to go home.
i am sad.
i want it to get better.
i want my mommy.
i want to go home.
Monday, August 23, 2010
i'm ready
i leave the day after tomorrow. and i am STOKED. i guess i kinda feel like my time in wilmington has expired..i dunno....I've kinda been in the slumps since Josh left (naturally) and am just really bored all the time. my mom says that I've gotten a bad attitude (again, naturally) and i think that bad attitude will go away when i get off my bum and embrace life as a college student! packing is mildly frustrating and i wish i could clone my room and then take it to college with me. i know the small closet, drawer, and room space is gonna be a rude awakening but there's nothing i can do really. in the words of spongebob, "i'm ready, i'm ready, i'm ready"...
Thursday, August 19, 2010
dear skype,
you are going to be my best friend for the next couple months. thanks for being awesome. and free.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
dear chubby cheeks,
Friday, August 13, 2010
so the procedure today was an ultimate success!!! i was very nervous going into it and even more nervous when they hooked me up to monitors, put a "laughing gas" mask over my face and hooked me up to an IV. the last thing i remember was one of the lady's taking my blood pressure and the next thing i knew i was sitting there, giving dr. arne' a thumbs up. surprisingly i was coherent and didn't put on a good loopy show at all, much to my family's and josh's disappointment. i only bled a little bit and have been eating lots (which isn't that surprising, coming from me). Since I've been popping pain pills like crazy (prescribed ones, of course) i've felt pretty tired and have spent most of the day laying on the couch with ice/frozen pea bags on my face. josh came over immediately after for moral support and was very kind to fix my ice bags for me when they slid off my cheeks. i went back to his house for about an hour while our mom's walked but i got tired very quickly after our first couple races of mario kart and settled on watching tv while eating ice cream and getting a foot massage; josh spoils me. right now my right side is much larger than my left (i only had one on my left side and two on my right) so i feel like i look pretty silly but i don't mind. the next couple days will consist of me lying around, watching tv with peas on my face; jealous much?
oh peas...
can you tell which side is more swollen??
Thursday, August 12, 2010
this is the countdown
well, 1 week 6 days...i'm BEYOND excited :D
in a few minutes my family is gonna go sit on the beach and look for things in the sky. apparently there's supposed to be a killer meteor shower around midnight so we're gonna see if we can see anything cool (oh the redundancy!!)
also he's a pretty cute picture of me and my favorite dog Lucy:
in a few minutes my family is gonna go sit on the beach and look for things in the sky. apparently there's supposed to be a killer meteor shower around midnight so we're gonna see if we can see anything cool (oh the redundancy!!)
also he's a pretty cute picture of me and my favorite dog Lucy:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
you may say i'm a dreamer but i'm not
tonight me and josh went to see "dinner for schmucks" and it was pretty funny. not nearly as stupid as we thought it would be, which was good, but still not exactly the greatest movie ever. there were some pretty inappropriate parts which were awkward but steve carrel is a pretty funny guy.
tomorrow night is my last day of work at gymboree and i am sad!! i love my job at gymboree and i can't wait to (hopefully)work there again at christmas.
my wisdom teeth are getting cut out friday and i am NOT looking forward to it. mom's inviting josh to come over and laugh at me while i'm sedated so at least a few people will get a laugh. i just hope i'm not as loopy as this kid:
tomorrow night is my last day of work at gymboree and i am sad!! i love my job at gymboree and i can't wait to (hopefully)work there again at christmas.
my wisdom teeth are getting cut out friday and i am NOT looking forward to it. mom's inviting josh to come over and laugh at me while i'm sedated so at least a few people will get a laugh. i just hope i'm not as loopy as this kid:
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
love is all you need
so i have roughly 2 1/2 weeks left in wilmy wood-soooo crazy to think about!! i love this place but i'm excited for Provo! I'm excited for all the new people and experiences! ilm much love but i think Provo is gonna be pretty fun too!!

after our painting fun, i worked until 5:30 then headed downtown to see an 80's cover band that played all kinds of 80's goodies. We were worried it would rain but it didn't! and we rocked out hard. i sang almost every song (sorry josh!) extremely loudly and it was so 80's-tastic!!

today should be a good day and i'm excited to get a laptop!!!!!!
yesterday me and michelle went over to the morrill's to paint the baby's room and it was sooo much fun! we painted and played with the boys and creeped with sister morrill on faceook and looked at her old pictures and played mario kart and ate pizza and it was just such a nice couple of hours!!! the burton's kids were over there the first hour or so so we had a nice little photoshoot with seth...

after the concert we headed to the airport to see andrew and matthew (twin brothers who have been serving missions in Japan) and it was such a nice homecoming!!! the majority of their family was there along with people in the ward and i think now they look more alike than they did before! i can't wait to hear them speak in sacrament meeting in a few weeks! hopefully they'll speak a little japanese because i think that would be cool.
today i have an on-call shift from 12-4 and i hope i don't have to go. it's tax free weekend so i'd rather shop than work. duh. also at some point today i'm going to buy my laptop which looks like this:
today should be a good day and i'm excited to get a laptop!!!!!!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Oh and how could I forget, one of my sunbeams kicked me today. She wouldn't come out from underneath the table. I tried to coax her out best I could but after numerous attempts and no success, I finally went in after her...yeah, she was having none of that. She started screaming and kicking and broke my necklace! After that stunt I picked her up and didn't put her down the rest of primary. She cried and screamed and I felt bad but she needed to know kicking and hiding underneath the table is not okay. Hopefully next sunday will be less eventful...
ode to cat
i love my kitty. she's very old and mom said that she probably wouldn't be alive when i come home at Christmas time. so to celebrate Jessie's life, i let her come inside tonight and gave her some milk and some pillows to lounge on and gave her a nice little back/head scratch. i really wanted to take her up to my room and let her sleep on the top bunk but mom said no, specially after i gave her milk (apparently most cats are lactose intolerant and can't digest the milk so she potentially could poop everywhere tonight and i'll more than likely have to clean it up if she does...woo!)
so here's to you Jessie! you're a great little cat.

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
the great escape
Friday, July 23, 2010
i want to feel some light on my face
so this has been a pretty fun week...
monday- me and josh went disc golfing in castle hayne
tuesday- saw "Inception" and got my mind was pretty awesome and you should go see it
wednesday- went geocaching in wrightsville beach
thursday-spent an evening home eating and watching degrassi
today- pooled it up all day then went downtown to see a U2 tribute band. They were cool and I had a great time with dad, josh and josh's dad!!
it's been a fun week and i hope next week is just as good!!!
monday- me and josh went disc golfing in castle hayne

wednesday- went geocaching in wrightsville beach
thursday-spent an evening home eating and watching degrassi
today- pooled it up all day then went downtown to see a U2 tribute band. They were cool and I had a great time with dad, josh and josh's dad!!

Monday, July 19, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
so right now i'm kinda going through "extreme makeover: jordan's room edition" and i've been finding so much stuff. the other day i found a bag titled "my dream wedding time capsule" circa 2006 and it included a letter to my future husband, some qualities i wanted myself and my husband to have, what i wanted my kids to be named, what temple i was going to be married in, a picture of my wedding dress, etc. i looked through the stuff and kinda laughed then when i saw the wedding dress picture i thought "hmm...this looks kinda familiar!" so i showed it to my mom and what do you know, it was jennifer's wedding dress!!! i picked out HER EXACT wedding dress for myself 4 years ago!! *insert twilight zone music here*

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
no line on the horizon
for the past few days i've been giving my room a cleaning makeover. i'm talking drastic. i cleaned out te trundle bed underneath mine(which contained items i've saved since BIRTH pretty much and cleaned the boxes and clothes off the shelves in my closet. i've filled three big trash bags with random stuff and it feels good to finally get rid of pointless junk. i've found so many random things. old love notes, pictures i drew for people, and songs i wrote. it's probably been the most fun i've ever had cleaning my room.
tonight me and josh went on a triple date with mercedes, mark, mitch and tashia to see "despicable me". it was so adorable!!! afterwards we went to wrightsville beach. during our walk mitch yelled "COOL!" and pointed to where he was stepping. little sparkles were all around his footsteps. so naturally we all tried to find the sparkles and there was so many of them!! they were more numerous in the wetter sand and the tide pools. i'm sure it's the same stuff in the sparkly water at the north end but it was way cooler tonight. we sang journey loudly and danced around and it was so fun! i haven't hung out with them in awhile so it was nice and i hope we do it again soon!!

oh yeah, and we're SUPER excited for harry potter 7 (:
Sunday, July 11, 2010
over and over again
it's been a harry potter weekend on abc family this weekend and i've been lovin' it. i really should read the books again...rupert grint is a sexy beast.
these next couple weeks of work are gonna be fun. it's gymbucks time at gymboree and josh's mom says it's going to be insane. crazy mom's with kids and lines out the door. i can't wait!
today was dallin's missionary farewell and it was lots of fun. after church i went over to the mix's and helped prepare food. we all sat around and laughed and talked and it was really fun. i'm excited for dallin and hope he has a great time in boise!
after the farewell i went to josh's house and we played some board games. i really like "trouble" and "scrabble" even though i suck at both.
jordan out.
these next couple weeks of work are gonna be fun. it's gymbucks time at gymboree and josh's mom says it's going to be insane. crazy mom's with kids and lines out the door. i can't wait!
today was dallin's missionary farewell and it was lots of fun. after church i went over to the mix's and helped prepare food. we all sat around and laughed and talked and it was really fun. i'm excited for dallin and hope he has a great time in boise!
after the farewell i went to josh's house and we played some board games. i really like "trouble" and "scrabble" even though i suck at both.
jordan out.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
no touchy!!

oh and i totally stole that picture from michelle (:
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
i just haven't met you yet
some random things...
- i love david spade. since i didn't have to work tonight, me and josh went to go see "Grown Ups" and it was hilarious!! I have no idea why someone didn't put all those guys in a movie before. david spade was my favorite and he never fails to crack me up
- i like braids in my hair.
- my sunburn KILLS!! i don't normally get sunburn but when i do get it, it's bad. i've been in the sun the past two days and it's taking its toll on me. i've used some aloe lotion stuff but i can still feel the heat radiating from my skin. this all better to turn to tan and not peely skin...
- college, college, college!!
- i love pool floaties
- i miss clogging. for some reason i was thinking about it today and i just really liked it. i liked counting the music, i liked my clicky shoes and i liked to perform. maybe someday i'll buy a new pair of shoes and bust out some of my old moves. do they have a clogging class i can take at byu?
- wahhhh i hate sunburn!!
- i looove the sims. our version is circa 2006 but it's fun and i like controlling fake people. sometimes they are unhappy and don't cooperate and it's annoying but most of the time they're nice...i'm going to miss that game!!
- how can people not like milk?! it's delicious.
...that is all...for now
Monday, July 5, 2010
this weekend has been FABULOUS! Friday night I went to the beach where it was very crowded. The water was rough and I got the crap beat out of me for the 10 minutes I was out there. I got to hang out with taryn, josh and my mom so it was fun even if the ocean wasn't pleasant...saturday was a loooong but fun day. Me and josh caught the 9:00 ferry over to southport and enjoyed the shops, festival vendors, and the provision company until about 3...the traffic was REDONKULOUS so we used josh's gps to find a quicker way home...about an hour after that we all headed to the ward party for some food, games and good ole socializing. After the party me, josh, Cory, and paco hit up the north end. It was too light to see the sparkley water when we got there so while we waited for the sun to go down, we read letters out of the mailbox on the beach. Most were pretty boring and generic but a few were really depressing/humorous/entertaining. I really want to go back and write something really profound to stick in there. After our north end adventures we hit up mickey d's then called it a was pretty good too! My sunbeams were a little more...energetic today but my patience is continually growing and I love those little guys! We went downtown for the fireworks tonight and it was a good time. I'm glad josh's family got to come with us and I think they had a good time too! It's been a busy but fun weekend and i've had such a great time...beach tomorrow...more fun! Happy fourth of july!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
so me and josh went to see the fireworks on the beach tonight and it was really nice. Josh made us a sand pillow underneath our blanket and it was cool to see all the stars after the firework smoke cleared. It was a super fun night and the odds are good that we'll go to the fireworks again next thursday!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
nothing's gonna change my world
so i've taken the time to read back over some posts from my old website (it's so pathetic i won't even bother posting the link) and i realized how annoying and whiney i was. all i did was make posts about boys and wanting to leave wilmington and how i cried about really stupid things. it made me laugh and kinda stand back and look at how i've changed. now granted i'm still annoying and whiney sometimes but i don't cry and think i'm in love with every boy and talk about how badly i want to leave. while i don't really feel like i've grown up or matured looking at those old posts show me that i have. it's scary and exciting all at the same time!!
in other news, i forgot abut something cute one of my sunbeams did!! i have a picture of my dad as my book mark in my scriptures (thanks sister thorup!) and when i got my scriptures out ryan took the picture and said "i love this picture!"...why are children so cute?!
in other news, i forgot abut something cute one of my sunbeams did!! i have a picture of my dad as my book mark in my scriptures (thanks sister thorup!) and when i got my scriptures out ryan took the picture and said "i love this picture!"...why are children so cute?!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
as you are aware, my feelings are very bi-polar about this college i am feeling excited. on facebook i see pictures and comments from people and i'm REALLY happy i won't have to see half of them ever again! i'm excited to meet new people, i'm excited to spend more time with jenn, i'm excited to FINALLY HIKE THE "Y", i'm excited to learn in a place centered around the church, i'm excited to learn.
august 25th feels forever away.
but it's not...
august 25th feels forever away.
but it's not...
Sunday, June 27, 2010
no, YOU'RE WRONG colonel sanders!
so i'm the sunbeams teacher at church and they're notorious for sweet compliments. today when ryan came in he sat down next to me and immediately said "i love your dress! it's beautiful! i love flowers! i like to smell them!"
it was THE CUTEST thing ever. maybe being the sunbeams teacher isn't so bad after all.
it was THE CUTEST thing ever. maybe being the sunbeams teacher isn't so bad after all.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
you think you're too cool for school
ya know, it's super annoying when people think they're cooler than they are. you know, when the kid rolls up beside you at the stoplight, wearing the aviators, blasting 107.5 with the windows down....or when all their facebook statuses are about things they think are cool and want everyone to know they're doing "cool" things. and the "i'm too cool" attitude is getting real old real quick.
for all those kids who think they're too cool, you're not. you're not cool. you're obnoxious and it's obvious you're trying way too hard.
for all those kids who think they're too cool, you're not. you're not cool. you're obnoxious and it's obvious you're trying way too hard.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
busy, busy, busy!
so i know i haven't blogged in awhile but that's because my life has been busy!! here's a list of things that have happened in the past couple weeks:
-i fell in love (again) with my job at gymboree and am really in love with the two pay checks i get every other week
-i turned 18! i don't feel much different makes me kind of sad to not be 17 anymore...nothing big really happened while i was 17 but it's just a nice middle-ground kinda age to be at and i already miss year older and wiser too? hopefully...
-i've been to the beach more times this past week than i went all last summer. josh loves to boogie board and is always a good sport at the beach. last time we went we saw 15 dolphins about 20 feet away and it was so scary/cool. i can't wait to go more and hope josh keeps loving it as much as i do.
-i had to drive across town with a semi-flat tire. okay, it really wasn't that flat but it was leaking air and i was terrified to drive over 45. luckily i made it to the tire place safely and Vicki now has 4 fresh new wheels and is aligned better (so the steering wheel doesn't shake when you go over 50 mph! yay!)
-i've realized how much i enjoy getting mail. almost everyday now i've gotten a graduation card in the mail and it's AWESOME!! i think i should send out a graduation announcement to my friends and family every year in hopes of rackin' up the dough like i am now...
-i've realized i should probably save my money
-i don't want to save my money and will probably spend it all on food
-i've realized how much i love my family. jennifer surprised me thursday morning by flying home for graduation so for the past few days it has been our whole family. she's a great example and sister to me and i can't wait to see her all the time in this next year when i get out to utah!
and perhaps the most important/impressive thing i did these past couple weeks:
-i graduated high school. yesterday was such a nice day. i thought i was going to be sad and was skeptical about wearing mascara that wasn't waterproof but i didn't cry at all. i was more happy than sad and know that most of us are going off to college to have the time of our lives which is happy, not sad. my whole family plus pop and papa jerry came to support me and the weekend was full of hugs. afterwards me and jenn went to hibachi for lunch then went over to josh's house to have a get together with all of our families. i was worried it might be sort of awkward but it was really fun and i didn't want to go home. i still can't believe i graduated already and don't know how ready i'm going to be for this whole "college" thing. all i know is that i'm having the time of my life right now and i'm going to make this summer rock.
-i fell in love (again) with my job at gymboree and am really in love with the two pay checks i get every other week
-i turned 18! i don't feel much different makes me kind of sad to not be 17 anymore...nothing big really happened while i was 17 but it's just a nice middle-ground kinda age to be at and i already miss year older and wiser too? hopefully...
-i've been to the beach more times this past week than i went all last summer. josh loves to boogie board and is always a good sport at the beach. last time we went we saw 15 dolphins about 20 feet away and it was so scary/cool. i can't wait to go more and hope josh keeps loving it as much as i do.
-i had to drive across town with a semi-flat tire. okay, it really wasn't that flat but it was leaking air and i was terrified to drive over 45. luckily i made it to the tire place safely and Vicki now has 4 fresh new wheels and is aligned better (so the steering wheel doesn't shake when you go over 50 mph! yay!)
-i've realized how much i enjoy getting mail. almost everyday now i've gotten a graduation card in the mail and it's AWESOME!! i think i should send out a graduation announcement to my friends and family every year in hopes of rackin' up the dough like i am now...
-i've realized i should probably save my money
-i don't want to save my money and will probably spend it all on food
-i've realized how much i love my family. jennifer surprised me thursday morning by flying home for graduation so for the past few days it has been our whole family. she's a great example and sister to me and i can't wait to see her all the time in this next year when i get out to utah!
and perhaps the most important/impressive thing i did these past couple weeks:
-i graduated high school. yesterday was such a nice day. i thought i was going to be sad and was skeptical about wearing mascara that wasn't waterproof but i didn't cry at all. i was more happy than sad and know that most of us are going off to college to have the time of our lives which is happy, not sad. my whole family plus pop and papa jerry came to support me and the weekend was full of hugs. afterwards me and jenn went to hibachi for lunch then went over to josh's house to have a get together with all of our families. i was worried it might be sort of awkward but it was really fun and i didn't want to go home. i still can't believe i graduated already and don't know how ready i'm going to be for this whole "college" thing. all i know is that i'm having the time of my life right now and i'm going to make this summer rock.

Monday, May 31, 2010
walkin' on sunshine
today was filled with good friends, good waves, good food, and good rays. i had so much fun and can't wait for us all to go again!
Friday, May 28, 2010
i would walk 500 miles
this past week has been stressful. naturally i waited until the last possible second to complete my final two high school projects. i've stayed up late every night this week slaving over these stupid projects and i am MORE than relieved to finally be done with them and high school! I have to go one more day next week and after that i will be home free!!! BYU here i come! in a few months that is
it was nice to go on a date with my wonderful boyfriend tonight. we got dinner and went to the movies then came home and danced to no music in the kitchen. we've both been so busy these last couple weeks that we haven't really had time to go on a real date so it was nice to just spend some time with him.
i'm hopefully beachin' it up with my family tomorrow before i have to work..have i mentioned how much i love working at gymboree? no food, no tables to wipe off over and over again, and most importantly no bathrooms to clean!!! the best part though is that now i'll be getting two checks instead of one every other week!! hopefully i'll stop spending as much money now that i won't be passing chick-fil-a every morning...
it was nice to go on a date with my wonderful boyfriend tonight. we got dinner and went to the movies then came home and danced to no music in the kitchen. we've both been so busy these last couple weeks that we haven't really had time to go on a real date so it was nice to just spend some time with him.
i'm hopefully beachin' it up with my family tomorrow before i have to work..have i mentioned how much i love working at gymboree? no food, no tables to wipe off over and over again, and most importantly no bathrooms to clean!!! the best part though is that now i'll be getting two checks instead of one every other week!! hopefully i'll stop spending as much money now that i won't be passing chick-fil-a every morning...
Sunday, May 23, 2010
can i graduate?

Thursday, May 20, 2010
teachers and friends and p.e. class
i started my new job yesterday and i am lovin' it!!! gymboree is so much different than firehouse and i know it'll take me awhile to learn all the different sizes and stuff but im really excited. it is nothing like firehouse and i don't have to clean the toilets before i leave every night; yay!! i get 40% off at gymboree and i think i might use that discount this weekend to buy my cousin Ellen some clothes for the baby girl she's having! i think i might buy jennifer some stuff too, even though she's not even close to being pregnant...some of the gymboree stuff is just too cute to pass up!
also, i got another letter from jacob today. it's so cool having a friend on a mission and even more cool to read about everything he's doing. he's gonna rock california and i am super happy/excited for him!!
i only have a few more weeks as a high school sweet is that??
also, i got another letter from jacob today. it's so cool having a friend on a mission and even more cool to read about everything he's doing. he's gonna rock california and i am super happy/excited for him!!
i only have a few more weeks as a high school sweet is that??
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
start wearin' purple, wearin' purple
saturday was so much fun. honestly i wasn't sure what to expect. a year has passed and a lot has changed since our little group last hung out and i didn't really know how the evening was going to turn out. we started off at michelle's then headed to mcdonald's then onward to fort fisher. we ate on the rocks then me and michelle went to play around on the pillar's near the waves..needless to say we got completely soaked. it was so funny that i wasn't even mad though. after our pillar adventures, i showed everyone to a secret opening in a group of trees that leads to this narnia-like place near the beach. seriously, it's like a little crawl space, entry way and as soon as you climb through the hole, there's a giant opening under a canopy of trees. it's creepy but the awesomeness kinda outweighs the creepiness. after our narnia adventure, me and michelle ditched the boys and walked around fort fisher, talking about everything. after making the boys wait for a good 15 minutes we wandered back to the car and went back to michelle's house to make pie. upon noticing we lacked some ingredients (not to mention sister meadows needed a few items) me and michelle left the boys to watch a movie and hopped in the mustang. we drove with the top down, music up and it was amazing. i wish we could've done that forever. the wind was blowing my hair, it was 80 degrees and my arms were up the whole time; it was like a scene from a movie. after getting ingredients and finishing our pie, we ate it and played some board games. it was a night that i didn't expect to go so well and i hope we have more fun nights with our old little group.
last night me and mom stuffed some name cards in graduation announcements and started addressing envelopes. tomorrow me and kd are taking pictures for our graduation party invitations and on friday me and mom are going to take some senior pictures. even after all these things, graduation still doesn't seem real.
last night me and mom stuffed some name cards in graduation announcements and started addressing envelopes. tomorrow me and kd are taking pictures for our graduation party invitations and on friday me and mom are going to take some senior pictures. even after all these things, graduation still doesn't seem real.
Friday, May 14, 2010
island in the sun
weekend plans:
today/night- josh is coming over after school to swim. then movie night with mommy and jill then a sleepover at jessica's with rachael (and whoever else?)
tomorrow- beach for the morning, the johnson's pool for the afternoon, then beach with friends tomorrow night
could this weekend be any more fun/busy?
today/night- josh is coming over after school to swim. then movie night with mommy and jill then a sleepover at jessica's with rachael (and whoever else?)
tomorrow- beach for the morning, the johnson's pool for the afternoon, then beach with friends tomorrow night
could this weekend be any more fun/busy?
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
love is our resistance
everyone keeps saying "a few weeks left of school!" "19 days left of school!" and while part of me screams "EXCITEMENT" the other part of me goes "wait...i'm done with high school? is that even possible?"
i graduate in exactly one month. ONE MONTH. i still feel like a 7th grader who is kinda goofy, kinda awkward, kinda whatever. i know how to make food and do laundry and take care of myself and stuff and think i'll be just fine on my own but i'm still dreading having to leave home and not have my mommy around.
also i'm still homeless for fall but looking at places here:

it seems like a pretty legit place...but im kinda hoping that i'll snag a heritage room someday when i have some luck...
Sunday, May 9, 2010
happy mother's day!
i love my mommy!!! it's weird/exciting that jennifer could be a mom soon but im excited to buy cute baby clothes for her when the time comes...i love my mommy and am glad i get along so well with her. plenty of my friends talk about how annoying their mom's are and how they hate them-my relationship with my mom is just the opposite. i can (and do) tell her pretty much everything and it's gonna be hard leaving home come fall...
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
nothing but james taylor
so this morning on the way to seminary i was listening to the radio and they had a contest where if you were caller number 5 and won a game of "celebrity ping-pong" you would win a family-four pack of tickets to see iron man 2. so i picked up my phone and thought "eh, why not?!" my call went through and then i was scared so i hung up...and then i thought "why am i scared?" so i called back and was lucky caller number 5! so i played a little game of celebrity ping-pong and WON!!!! so now i'm taking josh, mercedes, and mark on a date friday night after mark's baseball game. i love the radio :)
^ see you friday!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010
what i like about you
i like:
- buttered popcorn
- hummus with pita chips
- my new wal-mart sandals
- dancing in the kitchen
- making cakes
- playing piano
- josh kieb
- my mommy
- my kitty
- my bedroom
- the book of mormon
- chicken
- cheddar chex mix
- wearing deodorant
- the weekend
- being in primary
- mercedes barr
- wearing aprons
- chocolate
- sundays
- mobile facebook
- jennifer
- home movies
- buzz lightyear
- woody
- the amazing race
- lina keith
- milk
- sunshine
- buttered popcorn
- hummus with pita chips
- my new wal-mart sandals
- dancing in the kitchen
- making cakes
- playing piano
- josh kieb
- my mommy
- my kitty
- my bedroom
- the book of mormon
- chicken
- cheddar chex mix
- wearing deodorant
- the weekend
- being in primary
- mercedes barr
- wearing aprons
- chocolate
- sundays
- mobile facebook
- jennifer
- home movies
- buzz lightyear
- woody
- the amazing race
- lina keith
- milk
- sunshine
Saturday, May 1, 2010
who i am
so last night i spent the night at karis's house with her and sarah and it was fun! we sat around and caught up on each other's lives, played twilight scene it and watched spice world.
today we went to hiro's and had a yummy dinner with good friends. i was feeling a little full after dinner so i headed home and watched bait car for's a hilarious show where the cops set up a fake car so some thug will steal it and then the cops push a button and completely shut the car off while the criminal inside freaks out...great for laughs.
now i'm going to bed after a long/fun weekend.
life is good.
today we went to hiro's and had a yummy dinner with good friends. i was feeling a little full after dinner so i headed home and watched bait car for's a hilarious show where the cops set up a fake car so some thug will steal it and then the cops push a button and completely shut the car off while the criminal inside freaks out...great for laughs.
now i'm going to bed after a long/fun weekend.
life is good.
Friday, April 30, 2010
i'd rather hurt than feeling nothing at all
me and josh went to lunch at bdubs today and it was deliciousss! afterwards we went to walmart and i bought some killer $8 sandals! cheap shoes are the best!

Thursday, April 29, 2010
i just want you to know who i am
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
this week has felt like the busiest week in a long time. i'm not really doing much but everything just feels overwhelming!! for instance i was watching tv the other day about a girl who graduates from high school and moves to new york and has to say goodbye to all her friends and how sad everyone was...and it made me realize that that's going to be me in a matter of months. it's all so fun and exciting but it makes me sad to think about.
i don't want to grow up...can't i just stay 17 forever?
i don't want to grow up...can't i just stay 17 forever?
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
dear duke,
Sunday, April 4, 2010
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